Department: Explotación y Prospección de Minas

Area: Mine Exploitation

Research group: BIOGEOAMB Biogeoquímica Ambiental y Materias Primas Minerales


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad de Oviedo with the thesis Aplicación de la simulación matemática a la determinación de consumos energéticos en fragmentación 2001. Supervised by Dr. Mario Menéndez Álvarez, Dr. Ángel Javier Toraño Álvarez.

Especialidades predominantes (top 5) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones

  1. Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology Filtrar
  2. General Chemical Engineering Filtrar
  3. Geochemistry and Petrology Filtrar
  4. Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Filtrar
  5. Mechanics of Materials Filtrar

Full Professor of Mineral Processing Technology at the University of Oviedo. Director of the Asturias Raw Materials Institute, created in 2023 at the University of Oviedo. Participation in more than 120 projects, financed by both private and public institutions (Research, Technology Transfer and Academic), which resulted in more than 90 scientific publications (+60 in indexed reviews) and in the supervision of 21 PhD Thesis. Visiting professor in more than 15 Universities in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Perú and Venezuela. Member of the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration ( since 2004. Member of the Society of Mining Professors ( since 2013. A more detailed CV can be found at: