Argitalpenak (251) JUAN ANGEL MARTINEZ ESTEBAN argitalpenak


  1. Fundamentals of Boolean algebra

    Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering: Volumes 1-3 (Elsevier), pp. V1-701-V1-712

  2. High-Voltage LC-Parallel Resonant Converter with Current Control to Detect Metal Pollutants in Water through Glow-Discharge Plasma

    Electronics (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 4

  3. La biomodulación y su aplicación futura en psicología

    Neurociencia del comportamiento: del laboratorio a la vida real (Aula Magna), pp. 525-575

  4. No Effects of Photobiomodulation on Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampal Cytochrome C Oxidase Activity and Expression of c-Fos Protein of Young Male and Female Rats

    Frontiers in Neuroscience, Vol. 16

  5. Programmable solutions

    Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering: Volumes 1-3 (Elsevier), pp. V1-713-V1-721