Department: Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica, de Comunicaciones y de Sistemas (DIEECS)

Area: Electronics Technology

Research group: LEMUR Laboratory For Electrical Energy Management Unified Research


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad de Oviedo with the thesis Una solución híbrida de almacenamiento de energía de forma distribuida aplicado a microgeneración en microrredes redes eléctricas diseño del sistema electrónico de potencia y control 2018. Supervised by Dr. Jorge García García.

Especialidades predominantes (top 5) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones

  1. Electrical and Electronic Engineering Filtrar
  2. Energy Engineering and Power Technology Filtrar
  3. Control and Systems Engineering Filtrar
  4. Condensed Matter Physics Filtrar
  5. Mechanical Engineering Filtrar

Ramy Georgious received the B.Sc. degree from Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt, in May 2010, in Electrical Engineering with average appreciation Excellent with honors degree, and the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems (EECPS) and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Oviedo, Gijon, Asturias, Spain, in June 2014 and July 2018, respectively. He worked as a teacher assistant in the Electrical Engineering department in Port Said University from March 2011 to September 2012. He joined LEMUR research team in University of Oviedo in July 2014. In 2015, he was a visitor researcher with Power Electronics, Machines and Control (PEMC) research group at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. He was granted by Erasmus Mundus (MEDASTAR) to do his Master in 2012 and by the government of Principado de Asturias to do his Ph.D. in 2013 in the University of Oviedo. His research interests include Energy Storage Systems, Control Systems, Power Electronic Converters, Microgrids, Renewable Energy, Design and Simulation.