Publications (52) CRISTINA GONZALEZ MORAN publications


  1. A Methodology for the Assessment of Efficiency in Systems Under Transient Conditions: Case Study for Hybrid Storage Systems in Elevators

    Springer Optimization and Its Applications (Springer), pp. 253-284

  2. Basics of complex numbers in electrical and electronics engineering

    Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering: Volumes 1-3 (Elsevier), pp. V1-521-V1-527

  3. Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering: Volumes 1-3

    Elsevier, pp. 1-776

  4. Introduction to mathematics for electrical and electronics engineering

    Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering: Volumes 1-3 (Elsevier), pp. V1-509-V1-512

  5. Trigonometric and exponential forms of complex numbers

    Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering: Volumes 1-3 (Elsevier), pp. V1-528-V1-542


  1. 4-Node Test Feeder with Step Voltage Regulators

    International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 94, pp. 245-255

  2. Assessing the effect of nearly-zero energy buildings on distribution systems by means of quasi-static time series power flow simulations

    IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting

  3. Efficiency Comparison in Power Converters under Transient Operation Conditions: Application to Hybrid Energy Storage Systems

    2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2018

  4. Optimal Tap Configuration for Step-Voltage Regulators Applied to Residential Feeders

    IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting

  5. Theoretical Model for the Progression of Leader Steppers in a Thundercloud

    Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018