Publicaciones (52) Publicaciones de MARIA ISABEL CARRERA SUAREZ


  1. Growing Up Multiply: British Women Write the Ampersand Experience

    Postcolonial Youth in Contemporary British Fiction (Brill), pp. 81-99

  2. Growing Up Multiply: British Women Write the Ampersand Experience

    Postcolonial Youth in Contemporary British Fiction (Brill), pp. 81-99


  1. Feminist Epistemologies from the South: Latin American Activisms and Decolonial Futures

    Moving Worlds. A Journal of Transcultural Writing, Vol. 20, Núm. 2, pp. 1474-4600


  1. Cosmopolitan strangers in the lettered city: reading world writing

    Broadening horizons: a peak panorama of English studies in Spain

  2. Multicultural and transnational novels

    The Oxford History of the Novel in English: Volume 12: The Novel in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the South Pacific Since 1950 (Oxford University Press), pp. 375-388

  3. Stories told and untold: Re-gendering World War I through centenary narratives

    Gender and Short Fiction: Women's Tales in Contemporary Britain (Taylor and Francis), pp. 235-252


  1. The Stranger Flâneuse and the Aesthetics of Pedestrianism: Writing the Post-Diasporic Metropolis

    Interventions, Vol. 17, Núm. 6, pp. 853-865

  2. Women's studies and English studies in Spain: From democracy to transnationalism

    Rewriting Academia: The Development of the Anglicist Women's and Gender Studies of Continental Europe (Peter Lang AG), pp. 51-85


  1. Tres Guineas y el centenario de 1914: guerra, activismos y escritura desde el siglo XXI

    Mujeres en guerra / guerra de mujeres en la sociedad, el arte y la literatura (Arcibel)


  1. La investigación sobre estudios canadienses en España: el giro hacia lo urbano

    At a time of crisis: English and American studies in Spain

  2. The Professionalisation of Feminist Researchers: The Spanish Case

    Theories and Methodologies in Postgraduate Feminist Research: Researching Differently (Taylor and Francis), pp. 198-212

  3. White Teeth’s embodied metaphors: The moribund and the living

    Metaphor and Diaspora in Contemporary Writing (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 170-185


  1. Reading Transcultural Cities ed. lit.

    Universitat de les Illes Balears


  1. Equal opportunities in cross-European perspective

    Doing women’s studies: Employment opportunities, personal impacts and social consequences (Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.), pp. 64-88


  1. El rostro femenino de Europa: "Casablanca", Ingrid Bergman y el orientalismo del cine clásico de Hollywood

    Diosas del celuloide : arquetipos de género en el cine clásico (Ediciones Jaguar), pp. 45-66