Publications by the researcher in collaboration with JORGE LUIS LOREDO PEREZ (4)
Retention of heavy metal ions in bentonites from Grau Region (Northern Peru)
Environmental Geology, Vol. 53, Núm. 6, pp. 1323-1330
Investigation of trace element sources from an industrialized area (Avilés, northern Spain) using multivariate statistical methods
Environment International, Vol. 27, Núm. 7, pp. 589-596
Bioremediation of diesel-contaminated soils: Evaluation of potential in situ techniques by study of bacterial degradation
Biodegradation, Vol. 12, Núm. 5, pp. 325-335
Geochemical characterisation of mercury mining spoil heaps in the area of Mieres (Asturias, northern Spain)
Journal of Geochemical Exploration