Villa Menéndez
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Ramón Villa Menéndez (5)
Recuperación ambiental de terrenos contaminados mediante técnicas mineralúrgicas y metalúrgicas
Energía & Minas: Revista Profesional, Técnica y Cultural de los Ingenieros Técnicos de Minas, Núm. 8, pp. 40-45
Weathering processes only partially limit the potential for bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils
Organic Geochemistry, Vol. 41, Núm. 9, pp. 896-900
Brownfields: la tecnología minera aplicada a la recuperación de antiguos emplazamientos industriales contaminados
Energía & Minas: Revista Profesional, Técnica y Cultural de los Ingenieros Técnicos de Minas, Núm. 7, pp. 14-21
Textural distribution of arsenic and heavy metals in soils affected by abandoned mining works: Consequences for soil washing
8th International Scientific Conference on Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, SGEM 2008
Using industrial and mining wastes as raw materials to produce light aggregates
8th International Scientific Conference on Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, SGEM 2008