University of Konstanz-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (8)


  1. Changing Organizations

    Retooling Politics (CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS), pp. 158-178

  2. Data in Politics

    Retooling Politics (CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS), pp. 179-211

  3. Digital Media and Collective Action

    Retooling Politics (CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS), pp. 132-157

  4. Digital Media and Democracy

    Retooling Politics (CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS), pp. 212-235

  5. Digital Media in Politics

    Retooling Politics (CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS), pp. 236-254

  6. Reaching People

    Retooling Politics (CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS), pp. 69-102

  7. The Effects of Political Information

    Retooling Politics (CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS), pp. 103-131

  8. The Rise of Digital Media and the Retooling of Politics

    Retooling Politics (CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS), pp. 1-97