Publications (565) Publications in which a researcher has participated View referenced research data.
Microclimatic variation regulates seed germination phenology in alpine plant communities
Journal of Ecology, Vol. 113, Núm. 1, pp. 249-262
A multiple trait assessment provides insights into the short-time viability of a newly founded population in an endangered island passerine
Animal Conservation, Vol. 27, Núm. 4, pp. 507-521
AVOTREX: A Global Dataset of Extinct Birds and Their Traits
Global Ecology and Biogeography, Vol. 33, Núm. 12
An ecoregion-based approach to evaluate invasive plant species pools
NeoBiota, Vol. 96, pp. 105-128
Apex predators can structure ecosystems through trophic cascades: Linking the frugivorous behaviour and seed dispersal patterns of mesocarnivores
Functional Ecology, Vol. 38, Núm. 6, pp. 1407-1419
Aportaciones al conocimiento de las ciperáceas, con especial referencia a los taxones ibéricos
Flora Montiberica, Núm. 89, pp. 35-41
Avian Island Radiations Shed Light on the Dynamics of Adaptive and Nonadaptive Radiation
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, pp. a041451
Biodiversidad y funciones ecosistémicas en las interacciones mutualistas planta-animal
Más allá de la pérdida de especies: Interacciones ecológicas en el Antropoceno (Ediciones Fremen), pp. 128-152
Climate regulation processes are linked to the functional composition of plant communities in European forests, shrublands, and grasslands
Global Change Biology, Vol. 30, Núm. 2
Collapse of an insular bird species driven by a decrease in rainfall
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 957
Common birds combine pest control and seed dispersal in apple orchards through a hybrid interaction network
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 365
Conflict between cattle ranching and the conservation of jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Puma concolor) in the Amazon arc of deforestation
PLoS ONE, Vol. 19, Núm. 11 November
Dispersal constrains the biotic connectivity of mountain assemblages
Journal of Biogeography, Vol. 51, Núm. 7, pp. 1230-1243
Fire regime attributes shape pre-fire vegetation characteristics controlling extreme fire behavior under different bioregions in Spain
FIRE ECOLOGY, Vol. 20, Núm. 1
Fire severity as a determinant of the socioeconomic impact of wildfires
Fire Hazards: Socio-economic and Regional Issues (Springer International Publishing), pp. 153-166
Forest habitat diversity in the Cantabrian Mixed Forests ecoregion (NW Iberian Peninsula), a climatic refugium in western Europe
Applied Vegetation Science, Vol. 27, Núm. 3
Genotype–environment associations reveal genes potentially linked to avian malaria infection in populations of an endemic island bird
Molecular Ecology, Vol. 33, Núm. 8
Impacto del cambio global en las interacciones entre especies
Más allá de la pérdida de especies: Interacciones ecológicas en el Antropoceno (Ediciones Fremen), pp. 194-225
Integrating Physical-Based Models and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry to Retrieve Fire Severity by Ecosystem Strata from Very High Resolution UAV Imagery
Fire, Vol. 7, Núm. 9
Ionizing radiation has negligible effects on the age, telomere length and corticosterone levels of Chornobyl tree frogs
Biology letters, Vol. 20, Núm. 11, pp. 20240287