Location and differentiation of chestnut tree (Castanea sativa Mill.) individuals grafted with traditional cultivars using spatio-temporal analysis of remote-sensed imagery, dendro-chronological analysis, and SSR genotyping

  1. Díaz-Varela, E.R.
  2. Álvarez-Álvarez, P.
  3. Pereira-Lorenzo, S.
  4. Ramos-Cabrer, A.M.
  5. García-González, I.
  6. Díaz-Varela, R.A.
Book Series:
Acta Horticulturae

ISSN: 2406-6168 0567-7572

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 1

Issue: 1400

Pages: 173-184

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.17660/ACTAHORTIC.2024.1400.21 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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