
  1. García Cortés, Silverio
  2. Diaz, Agustin Menendez
  3. Oliveira Prendes, Jose Alberto
  4. Bello Garcia, Antonio

Editor: figshare

Año de publicación: 2022

Tipo: Dataset


The database is in format hdf5 and is composed of 6108 images 224x224 in size belonging to 9 different classes: 'BLANQUINA' 'CARRIO' 'FLORINA' 'FUENTES' 'PRIETA' 'RAXAO' 'REINETA ENCARNADA' 'REINETA PINTA' 'REINETA ROJA DEL CANADA' These varieties are common in the Nortwest of Spain, Most of them are used in cider production. This database is already split in three set of images: train, dev and testz. Train images are the 80% of total 10% dev (validation) and 10% test. In the file the labels associated with each image are also stored in the classic form of one hot encode. <br>