Communication and Disconnection in the 21st Century Society

  1. Beatriz Rayón Viña
Cuidado, Tecnologia, Terapia

Argitaletxea: Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos

ISBN: 978-989-53301-3-3

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Orrialdeak: 137-156

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua

DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.8010447 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor


In this text I am going to discuss the importance of the Internet in ourinterconnected world and how it has become a pillar of society. This reflection isespecially important in our times, in which we have gone through the COVID-19pandemic, when millions of people were forced to socialize through digital media,as well as in today’s post-pandemic world, in which our habits have been stronglyaltered by this historical event. The approach of this article is also made taking intoaccount social hyperconnectivity in general, for better and for worse, as well as thepower and capabilities given by being able to coordinate through this medium whenwe understand ourselves in the key of political subjects. Due to all this, I am going topresent the digital divide as a key issue that is needed to be addressed, as it representsa violation of rights and increases our vulnerability. I would state the need to take thisreality seriously and wonder about the direction of our strongly technological societyand developments, and the principles of justice that should be taken into account.