El contrato de transporte continuado

Revista de derecho mercantil

ISSN: 0210-0797

Any de publicació: 2024

Número: 332

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista de derecho mercantil


In the business practice of our time, the isolated contracting of transport operations is frequently displaced by the establishment of continuous transport relationships, aimed at carrying out successive dispatches. The admission of this type of transport constituted one of the main innovations introduced by Law 15/2009 and represented a true milestone in the legal configuration of the transport contract, surpassing its traditional identification with the trip-dispatch to also give rise to relationships whose validity It lasts over time and serves as a framework for carrying out a plurality of expeditions. The delimitation of the content of these contracts necessarily involves the combination of their legal regulation with the autonomy of the will of the parties and represents one of the fundamental issues that Transportation Law currently has raised. Despite which, the figure has gone almost unnoticed and has not deserved due consideration by our doctrine.