La emigración a ultramar y su impactolos americanos del occidente de Asturias

  1. Benjamín Méndez García
  2. Juan Méjica García
Práctica urbanística: Revista mensual de urbanismo

ISSN: 1579-4911

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 188

Type: Article

More publications in: Práctica urbanística: Revista mensual de urbanismo


Mass European emigration to the Americas is a complex phenomenon, linked to economic liberalism and industrialization and its economic effects. Its effects were notable in areas of rural dominance, such as the Asturian West, both because of its socio-demographic implications (between 1853 and the 1970s of the twentieth century) and because of its impact on the process of incorporation, slow and late, into the modern market economy. Such effects reach up to the present, particularly from the urban point of view, in a significant number of capital council towns, some seaports and certain «colonies» of Asturian-Americans or simply Americans (the name of the Indians in the western half of Asturias).