Software aplicado en investigaciones científicas de las universidades del Ecuadorestudio de mapeo sistemático

  1. Palacios Zamora, Kerly Vanessa 1
  2. Guerra Gaibor, Jessica Jessennia
  1. 1 Universidad Estatal de Milagro

    Universidad Estatal de Milagro

    Guayaquil, Ecuador


Revista Ciencia UNEMI

ISSN: 2528-7737 1390-4272

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Vol 15. Núm 39 (2022): Mayo- Agosto

Volume: 15

Issue: 39

Pages: 14-26

Type: Article

DOI: 10.29076/ISSN.2528-7737VOL15ISS39.2022PP14-26P DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Revista Ciencia UNEMI


In Ecuador, through Subsecretaria de Investigación Científica, it encourages higher education institutions to develop research projects that help the country grow. Universities are the institutions that generate the greatest productivity of scientific knowledge. This paper presents a study on the use of programming software in scientific papers in Ecuadorian universities. The selected data source is the Red de Repositorios de Acceso Abierto del Ecuador. A total of 94 scientific papers are the result of the initial process of the search chain, inclusion and exclusion criteria were then applied, resulting in 54 scientific papers considered as a primary source of study. The scientific papers that use some type of programming software are quantified and qualified. It is presented that the most used programming languages are Java and Php. The most frequently used development environment is Matlab. The programming software is a tool that is currently very required to facilitate the obtaining of results. However, not all scientific papers detail the tools they use.

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