En la puerta giratoriala visibilidad de Jorge Drexler en la prensa española
ISSN: 2014-4660
Année de publication: 2019
Número: 13
Pages: 184-216
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Etno: Cuadernos de Etnomusicología
This paper proposes an analysis of the presence of Uruguayan composer and interpreter Jorge Drexler in the press from Spain, based on his twenty years of career developed in that country. I decided to privilege the artist’s own voice through his statements in interviews published between 2004 and 2019; in some cases, the press material is linked to messages posted in social networks by Drexler himself. The theoretical approach, based on the principles of the reception theory and anthropology of emotions, allows me to consider Drexler as an actor on the stage of public exposure, and in his personal management of opinions to be published. I analyzed his statements regarding compositional processes, the value of emotion in said processes, the vindication of the sound in his poetry, and leading figures that were models for his creative work: Eduardo Darnauchans and Fernando Cabrera, Caetano Veloso, Kiko Veneno. I also addressed the presence of the Uruguayan homeland along with the utopia of a world of cultures, not borders, and his positions around ideology, politics and culture management in Spain. Two milestones in the process of reception of Drexler in this country are also considered: his participation as pregoneroin the 2013 Carnival of Cádiz, for which he created a show that linked the carnivals fromCadiz and Montevideo, with the inclusion of Uruguayan artists of candombeand murga, and the 2017 “Suena Guernica” Project, for which he proposed the collective composition of a song through his social media accounts.
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