Next-generation sequencing reveals that miR-16-5p, miR-19a-3p, miR-451a, and miR-25-3p cargo in plasma extracellular vesicles differentiates sedentary young males from athletes

  1. Fernandez-Sanjurjo, M.
  2. Pinto-Hernandez, P.
  3. Dávalos, A.
  4. Díaz-Martínez, Á.E.
  5. Martín-Hernández, R.
  6. Castilla-Silgado, J.
  7. Toyos-Rodríguez, C.
  8. Whitham, M.
  9. Amado-Rodríguez, L.
  10. Muñiz-Albaiceta, G.
  11. Terrados, N.
  12. Fernández-García, B.
  13. Iglesias-Gutiérrez, E.
European Journal of Sport Science

ISSN: 1536-7290 1746-1391

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 24

Issue: 6

Pages: 766-776

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1002/EJSC.12087 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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