Nonprofit organizationsbusiness co-creation as a consequence of relational normsCan improve it with a business-like approach?

  1. Díaz-Perdomo, Yolanda 1
  1. 1 Universidad Europea de Canarias

    Universidad Europea de Canarias

    Orotava, España


CIRIEC - España. Revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa

ISSN: 0213-8093

Ano de publicación: 2024

Número: 110

Páxinas: 65-96

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.110.26173 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: CIRIEC - España. Revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa


Co-creation has emerged as an outstanding issue in today’s society. Mainly, research efforts have been conducted in business literature (particularly, following the service-dominant logic approach). However, there is a lack of theoretical and empirical studies that analyze value co-creation from the non-profit’s point of view; and, in particular, the strategy of value co-creation in collaborative relationships between non-profit organizations and companies is an under-researched topic. From the theory of psychological contracts, relational norms are considered a mechanism that promotes co-creation processes. Furthermore, the non-profit organizations have been increasingly becoming more business-like (through market orientation, venture philanthropy, corporate governance structure, entrepreneurial behavior, and professionalization) to improve the impact achieved with the development of their activities. Combining a thorough literature revision and a quantitative-based research with 205 nonprofits, The study attempts to identify to what extent the establishment of relational norms between NPOs and companies in their co-creation relationships is really conditioned by the business-like factors of the NPOs. Several implications are derived for non-profit managers, which will help them implement effective management strategies in their relationshipswith companies.

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