Theaterkränze (D. 18, 83.120.222)

  1. Klaus Lennartz
Estudios sobre falsificación documental y literaria antigua
  1. Antonio Guzmán (ed. lit.)
  2. Isabel Velázquez (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Ediciones Clásicas

ISBN: 9788478828227

Año de publicación: 2017

Páginas: 245-253

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


The Corpus Demosthenicum contains quite a few spurious speeches, which are often regarded as genuine. Despite the knowledge of former scholars in modern philology and history, these misconceptions still prevail ([D.] 10, 11, 13), a situation which is hardly satisfactory. On the contrary, even more extensive proof of forgery can often be found, as is the case of the ʹFourth Philippicʹ. Here, we should also bear in mind new arguments concerning loidoria in the case of Aristomedes [D.] 10. 70 and the mandragora metaphor [D.]10. 6. In the famous On the Crown (D. 18) speech, on the other hand, there have been interpolations in two passages in the text, the crowning of Demosthenes by Aristonicus 441/0 and of Hyperides 339/8, which took place in the Theatre of Dionysus in Athens (18. 83, 120). If we compare this with 18. 222 and subject its language, subject matter, and rhetorical bias to a thorough analysis, it becomes apparent that an interpolator inserted the location of the crownings: Demosthenes was actually never crowned in the city theatre before Ctesiphon’s request in 336.