Intertextuelle Bemerkungen zuIlias und Aithiopis

  1. Klaus Lennartz
De ayer y hoy: Contribuciones multidisciplinares sobre pseudoepígrafos literarios y documentales
  1. Mikel Labiano Ilundain (ed. lit.)

Verlag: Ediciones Clásicas

ISBN: 978-84-7882-841-8

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Seiten: 27-40

Art: Buch-Kapitel


The references of the Odyssey to Trojan epics that show an already solid story succes-sion, especially 24, 35–94 with respect to the Aethiopis, and the request of Penelope to Phe-mios,Od.1, 340–42, about theNostoi make it probable that these cyclic ‘medium epics’ were from the beginning clearly outlined literary contextualizations, in which formerly muchmore isolated mythic scenes (such as the Telephos episode, see Archilochos in P. Oxy. 4708fr. 1), with a view to the Iliad, were brought into pre- and successive contexts rapidly becoming canonical. On the basis of this assumption, arguments of ‘Higher Criticism’ mutatismutandis are applied to the relationship between Iliad and Aethiopis. It turns out that in all cases the ‘Homer’ of the epic cycle (Arktinos) is secondary to the Homer of the Iliad.