Possibilities for use of coal bed methane & coal bed mine in Asturias
- Cienfuegos Suárez, Pablo 1
- García Ordiales, Efrén 1
- Marqués Sierra, Antonio Luis 1
- Covián Regales, Enrique Carlos 1
- Ríos Fernández, Juan Carlos 1
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 2764-1317
Year of publication: 2023
Type: Article
More publications in: Journal of Engineering Research, 3 (37)
There is a number of risk issuesassociated with CBM/CMM operations:sealing the mine shafts; pumping the minewater; evacuating air from the mine andair ingress into the mine. Our team hasinvestigated the details of the initial phaseof the business plan and, by extrapolation ofkey parameters, was able to form an opinionon the larger plan. The details investigatedinclude: the methods to calculate the volumeof gas entrapped in the coal; the sealing ofthe mine shafts to trap the gas escape; andthe process to keep the mines pumped dry byremoving the underground water that drainsinto the mine workings.