El pozu que no cierra.obrerismo y (des)industrialización desde la mirada de los artistas asturianos

  1. Díaz Martínez, Irene 1
  1. 1 Investigadora Posdoctoral Margarita Salas. Instituto de Historia Social Valentín de Foronda / Universidad del País Vasco-Universidad de Oviedo
Gerónimo de Uztariz

ISSN: 1133-651X 2952-1238

Année de publication: 2023

Número: 37

Pages: 73-84

Type: Article

DOI: 10.58504/RGU.37.4 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: Gerónimo de Uztariz


The long process of decline and decline of mining in Asturias has generated a remarkable and varied cultural creation in the cultural sphere. Asturian artists have reflected in their works on the legacies of the workers' memory and the consequences of deindustrialisation. Thus, we can find discourses and narratives that move between disaffection, pessimism or criticism and the vindication of a workers' memory of struggle, mobilisation and social conquests. This article aims to show and analyze, from a sociocultural perspective, the contributions of Asturian creators in the last years, emphasizing two dimensions that seem useful to understand the transition from industrial to post-industrial society: how culture has resignified the culture and memory of the working class, and the legacies of deindustrialization in Asturias. To do so, I will make use of the ideas of moral e and structure of feeling.

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