Paulo Freire y la educación popular : la oportunidad de re-pensar y transformar el mundo en el que vivimos
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 2447-5246
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 26
Issue: Esp. 02
Type: Article
More publications in: Educação em foco : órgão oficial da Faculdade de Educação, Centro Pedagógico da UFJF
In the year in which we commemorate the centenary of the birth of Paulo Freire (1921-2021) we find ourselves immersed in different problems: humanitarian, health, political, social, etc. We are living a turbulent moment in our history as human beings and it is, perhaps, the moment to rethink the contributions of Paulo Freire's pedagogy as a source of inspiration for the transformation of our societies. So far from being fooled by fatalism and hopelessness, we prefer to rethink Freire. He left us a message of hope that states that human beings have the possibilities of change and transformation in our hands. The Brazilian educator also alerted us that change, although difficult, is not impossible. We think that Popular Education, understood as an emancipatory education that empowers people, can help to become aware of our position in the world and can be a very interesting starting point to build a more humane and friendly society with all human beings.