Prototipo de sistema de soporte a la decisión para evaluación de proyectos hidroeléctricos basado en un GIS

  1. Nieves Roqueñí Gutiérrez
  2. José Manuel Mesa Fernández
  3. Gemma Marta Martínez Huerta
  4. María Belén Prendes Gero
VIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos: Bilbao 6-8 de octubre de 2004. Actas

Publisher: Asociación Española de Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO)

ISBN: 84-95809-22-2

Year of publication: 2005

Congress: CIDIP. Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos (8. 2004. Bilbao)

Type: Conference paper


The hydropower new projects evaluation has a fundamental component in site location. Location influences in the project viability, since the moment in which determines the projected hydroelectric potential, by means of factors as: height of the dam, data of volumes and state of the river. Topography also conditions technical solution, because define the type of powerhouse, type of turbine and magnitude of civil works that is necessary to execute. These parameters impact directly in the economic profit value and financing of the project and determine the environmental implications that are going to intervene in the administrative processing of concession. This paper presents a prototype spatial decision support system (SDSS), which is a conjunctive application of GIS and DSS technologies, for optimisation. Thematic objects represent geographical aspects relating to the projects, including attributes (data) that are basin entities such as water resource potential, pending, height of dam, hydropower potential, etc. Thematic objects, attributes, physical laws that govern the spatial objects in the real world, and the environmental policies or economic factors are connected under user interactions.