La historia de la flosofía. Una historia de violencias de género y resistencia

  1. Noelia Bueno Gómez
  2. Merced Mediavilla
  3. Paz Pérez Encinas
Paideia: Revista de filosofía y didáctica filosófica

ISSN: 0214-7300

Year of publication: 2023

Issue Title: La Mujer en la Ética y la Filosofía. Contribuciones Filosófcas al Movimiento Feminista

Issue: 118

Pages: 33-55

Type: Article

More publications in: Paideia: Revista de filosofía y didáctica filosófica


This article examines the way in which diferent female thinkers from diferent moments in history have built their intellectual work from the philosophical resistance to the violence exerted against them in four realms in which they were excluded or subjected: education, the institution of marriage, the political and social rights and, fnally, the History of Philosophy. We consider that these four areas of exclusion/submission are expressions of three types of violence. The frst one is the ontological violence that we have defned as the naturalized debasement of women (by denying them the logos or reason). In relation to it, we fnd physical violence against the living bodies of women and symbolic violence against their works or intellectual productions. In this way, we intend to (1) bring to light the arguments presented by the female philosophers, highlighting the violence that they had to contest and the way in which they did it, (2) to contribute to the revolution of the history of thought, going towards a Philosophy that admits the gender violence sufered and expressed, but always resisted and, therefore, (3) recognizing their intellectual work as a genuinely philosophical work.