Isokinetic thigh muscles strength in semi-professional athletics:A one season prospective cohort study
- Marcos Quintana-Cepedal 1
- Blanca Méndez-Suárez 1
- María Medina-Sánchez 1
- Hugo Olmedillas 1
- Miguel del Valle 1
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 1886-6581, 0213-3717
Datum der Publikation: 2023
Ausgabe: 58
Nummer: 220
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Apunts: Medicina de l'esport
Introduction: Continuous evaluations of athletes, including strength testing, can help control performance improvement or facilitate the restoration of normality after an injury. The aim of the present study was to prospectively determine the peak torque (PT), angle at which PT is achieved, and functional ratios of flexors and extensors thigh muscles during one season. Material and methods: Thirty semi-professional male athletes competing in long jumping (n = 10), javelin throwing (n = 10), and sprinting (n = 10) participated. PT was evaluated in relation to limb length; the angle at which PT was achieved was obtained from the force-curve displayed in the isokinetic dynamometer; functional ratios were calculated by dividing concentric hamstring strength by eccentric quadriceps strength (flexor ratio) or vice-versa for the extensor ratio. Assessment was performed at 60º/s and 300º/s. Results: Significant variations were seen for both extensor and flexor PTs at different stages of the season, with moderate to large effect sizes observed (effect size (d) = 0.49–0.93). Functional ratios and the angle at which peak torque was achieved remained stable throughout the season. Conclusions: Thigh muscle strength is unstable throughout a track and field season, coaches or medical staff should consider these findings when programming training sessions or rehabilitating an athlete.
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