Towards a Solution to Create, Test and Publish Mixed Reality Experiences for Occupational Safety and Health LearningTraining-MR

  1. Miguel A. Lopez 1
  2. Sara Terron 1
  3. J. M. Lombardo 1
  4. Rubén Gonzalez-Crespo 2
  1. 1 Fundación I+D del software libre (FIDESOL), Granada (Spain)
  2. 2 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Logroño (Spain)

ISSN: 1989-1660

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 7

Issue: 2

Pages: 212-223

Type: Article


More publications in: IJIMAI


Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, Human Augmentation, virtual reality, or mixed reality have been rapidly implemented in Industry 4.0, as they improve the productivity of workers. This productivity improvement can come largely from modernizing tools, improving training, and implementing safer working methods. Human Augmentation is helping to place workers in unique environments through virtual reality or mixed reality, by applying them to training actions in a totally innovative way. Science still has to overcome several technological challenges to achieve widespread application of these tools. One of them is the democratisation of these experiences, for which is essential to make them more accessible, reducing the cost of creation that is the main barrier to entry. The cost of these mixed reality experiences lies in the effort required to design and build these mixed reality training experiences. Nevertheless, the tool presented in this paper is a solution to these current limitations. A solution for designing, building and publishing experiences is presented in this paper. With the solution, content creators will be able to create their own training experiences in a semiassisted way and eventually publish them in the Cloud. Students will be able to access this training offered as a service, using Microsoft HoloLens2. In this paper, the reader will find technical details of the Training-MR, its architecture, mode of operation and communication.

Funding information

The whole Fidesol team for the great work and capacity in "Interacción y Programación Inteligente para la Industria 4.0 a través de la Realidad Mixta y Fabricación Aditiva" project with code "PY18- RE-0024".

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