Aditivos innovadores para mezclas asfálticascarbon black en mezclas semicalientes y rejuvenecedores embebidos en áridos porosos

  1. Casado Barrasa, Raquel
Dirixida por:
  1. Pedro Lastra González Director
  2. Daniel Castro Fresno Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 10 de xuño de 2022

  1. Francisco Ballester Presidente/a
  2. Diana Movilla Quesada Secretario/a
  3. Eugenio Pellicer Armiñana Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 726433 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


Asphalt mixtures are the most widely used material for the construction of roads, thus the relevance of designing mixtures with improved properties to preserve natural resources at the same time of reducing costs of maintenance and conservation of roads. There are a number of advances being carried out in order to improve the sustainability of roads, exploring materials that may added to the asphalt road and so, enhancing their performance and durability. Among such materials there are nanomaterials and self-healing materials, which can be considered as last generation. It is on these materials that this doctoral thesis is focused on, whose objective is, on the one hand, to analyse the influence of the carbon black on the mechanical behaviour of the bituminous mixtures and, on the other hand, to assess the efficiency of encapsulated rejuvenating agents on the improvement of the aging of the mixtures. The research includes the study of the response of these materials incorporated to the bituminous mixtures from an initial stage in lab to its real application. As a result of the research, it is concluded that the use of these additives offers a competitive advantage in front of the conventional alternatives, making the technical leap possible towards a new generation of materials for their use in bituminous mixtures.