Viabilidad de la semilla de Cortaderia selloana en el Principado de Asturias

  1. Ramón Luis Álvarez Arbesú 1
  2. Gil González Rodríguez 2
  1. 1 Sección de Recursos Naturales del Servicio de Vida Silvestre del Gobierno de Principado de Asturias-Colaborador del INDUROT
  2. 2 INDUROT
Naturalia Cantabricae

ISSN: 1577-2756 1577-1814

Année de publication: 2023

Número: 11

Pages: 1-9

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Naturalia Cantabricae

Objectifs de Développement Durable


Cortaderia selloana is the main invasive plant in the Principality of Asturias (North of Spain), both from the point of view of the surface affected and the effort used in its eradication. To establish an effective control program, it is necessary to have simple data, among which is to know the time in which the viability of the seed is maintained within significant percentages. To this end, seed sowings have been carried out in various periods of time and the associated germination rates have been observed. The data obtained make it possible to ensure that the durability of the Cortaderia selloana seed is greater than one year and that the non-existence of viable seed cannot be guaranteed at any time of the year anywhere within the potential radius of seed dispersal of a fertile adult