Visualization of urban floodplains in the Amazon foothill using the geo-inspired model of natural vector multi-agents (AVNG)
- Millán-Rojas, Edwin Eduardo
- Pérez-Castillo, José Nelson
- Gallego Torres, Adriana Patricia
ISSN: 2357-5328, 0121-1129
Year of publication: 2017
Volume: 26
Issue: 45
Pages: 173-186
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Facultad de Ingeniería
In the specialized literature, there are different ways to calculate and display flooded areas by geographical entities (rivers or streams), using mathematical and physical models in 1D and 2D areas; also, the use of tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the diffuse logic, the neural networks, and the genetic algorithms, among others, has been reported. This article describes the use of Geo-inspired Natural Vectors Agents (AVNG). The AVNG is founded on the agent concept, by integrating the GIS vector model to achieve the construction of an element capable of dynamically representing a geographical entity (vector) from two behaviors: the natural and the induced (Natural Agent); thus, generating an approximation to environmental management. In order to implement the AVNG conceptual model, we studied the Colombian Amazon foothills, where flash floods in urban areas cause material disasters and loss of human lives.
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