¿Son los consumidores rurales diferentes?La erosión del patrimonio alimentario de la dieta mediterránea a través de un estudio de caso

Cuadiernu: Revista internacional de patrimonio, museología social, memoria y territorio

ISSN: 2340-6895 2444-7765

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Titel der Ausgabe: ¡Buen provecho! los procesos de patrimonialización alimentaria en el medio rural

Nummer: 11

Seiten: 147-183

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Cuadiernu: Revista internacional de patrimonio, museología social, memoria y territorio


Beyond the intangible aspects that have been the focus of UNESCO’s heritage designation, the Mediterranean diet, understood as a dietary pattern, is a heritage that can be of great use to countries such as Spain, which are facing growing problems of malnutrition. This study uses the case of dairy products to explore the extent to which the erosion of this food heritage has depended on population settlement, being more intense in large cities and more moderate in rural areas. The results, based on a consumption, income, and relative price database for different population strata, show that, at least in this case, rural consumers have not been essentially different from urban consumers. The urban-rural axis, which has been important in the history of the modern nutritional transition, may be dissolving in the era of the post-transition food consumption model.