¿Por qué el pasado nos convoca como colectiva de mujeres?

  1. Williams, Veronica 1
  2. Korstanje, Alejandra
  1. 1 Instituto de las Culturas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Argentina
Anales de Arqueología y Etnología

ISSN: 2591-3093 0325-0288

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Dossier: Género en la Arqueología. Experiencias, análisis y perspectivas futuras

Volume: 76

Issue: 2

Pages: 159-188

Type: Article

DOI: 10.48162/REV.46.006 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Anales de Arqueología y Etnología

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The academic development of archaeology in Argentina has a significant history and has been affected by political, ideological, and public policy ups and downs. The times demand that women re-think gender equity and their working conditions. In the last fifty years of the twentieth century, only a few women archaeologists reached high management positions or trained female students. We need to know what their conditions of production were like in the beginning and asking ourselves how knowledge was transmitted from woman to woman in order to construct not only historiographies and genealogies, but also to understand our own constructions as female scientists and academics. We present the genesis of the meetings of women archaeologists working in northwestern Argentina, tied together by a genealogy of learning that started with three pioneers in the 1960s: Ana María Lorandi, Myriam N. Tarragó, and Marta Ottonello, in order to record this history as a chronological, analytical, and evaluative account, resulting from the sum of a series of narratives of the experiences of the protagonists.

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