Análisis multivariado de la evaluación docente estudiantil. Un caso de estudio

  1. Zambrano Carbonell, Alex Johann
  2. Gutierrez Mora, Esther
Comunicaciones en Estadística

ISSN: 2027-3355 2339-3076

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 11

Issue: 1

Pages: 129-150

Type: Article

DOI: 10.15332/S2027-3355.2018.0001.07 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Comunicaciones en Estadística


Student teacher evaluation is the most commonly used method in latin american universities to evaluate the quality of teaching provided by teachers. Bearing this reference in mind, the present article gives an account of how a multivariate analysis was applied to the questionnaire used by the Universidad Santo Tom´as in Bogot´a during the 2012-2014 periods. This work included a reliability analysis, an exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis to evaluate the validity, reliability and dimensionality of the instrument with which teachers are evaluated. In addition, the relationship between teacher performance and student performance was assessed. A mixed classification analysis was carried out to characterize the results obtained at different levels (divisions, faculties and professors). Finally, a performance perception index was constructed for the faculties according to the students. Among the most outstanding results we find that the proposed instrument is valid and reliable, however, two items need to be adjusted. It was also noted that the student’s grade toward the teacher is not related to the student’s final grade. In the classification of teachers, three groups of teachers were found, differentiating between low, medium and high performing teachers according to the students. Among the items that best discriminate against the three groups are that “the teacher uses educational aids that enhance learning” and that “the teacher applies methodological strategies that favour learning”. It was shown that the perception of teachers’ performance by students is higher than 78 %. These results allowed the implementation of pedagogical strategies to improve teaching work in the university.

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