Estudio antropológico realizado en la fosa común de Puebla de Don Rodrigo (Ciudad Real).

  1. M.E. Fernández Suárez
  2. H.R. Pacheco Vila
Revista española de antropología física

ISSN: 2253-9921

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Zenbakia: 43

Orrialdeak: 34-46

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista española de antropología física


The exhumation of the mass grave located in the Puebla de Don Rodrigo cemetery (Ciudad Real) was carried out by the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory in 2011. The skeletal remains of five individuals of unknown identity were recovered. The main objective of the present work was to carry out an anthropological study as detailed as possible to obtain the maximum information on these individuals who presented numerous associated objects. The skeletons were in a very poor state of preservation, being buried in an area waterlogged. After making the diagnosis of sex and age according to the usual methodology in physical anthropology, we proceeded to a macroscopic review of each skeletal element. Three individuals were male and the other two were indeterminate, due to their poor state of preservation. All were found in a supine position and were thrown into the pit from the west. The individuals exhumed were over 23 years old and the oldest was approximately 40. Gunshot wounds have been found in the skull of two of them. In the others, the entire skull was not preserved and there is no evidence of gunshots. There is agenesis of the third molars in three people and two of them have Wormian bones, so it is possible that they were related. Enamel hypoplasia is found in two of the victims, who also had agenesis of the third molars, showing a nutritional deficiency in the period of formation of these teeth