Sua cuique persona. Una aproximación socio-estructural al concepto de persona

  1. García Blanco, José María
Empiria: Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 1139-5737

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 58

Pages: 155-173

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5944/EMPIRIA.58.2023.37384 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Empiria: Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales


In both Western culture and contemporary social theory, the term person is commonly used as an equivalent of human being, individual and subject. Faced with this substantialist semantics, and starting from the recovery of the original meaning of the Latin term persona, carried out by de baroque political philosophie to theoretical cement the emerging european states. To do this, a genealogical tour will be carried out that will start with Thomas Hobbes analysis of the person as an actor. We will then review some of the most conspicuous representatives of the sociological tradition, in whose work the person is conceptualizated not merely as an actor, but as an social actor. To do this, we will explore the Works of Tönnies, Simmel and Goffman –in the latter case, in connection with Mead´s theory of self–. Finally, base don the concepts of double contingency and communication, as constitutive problema and characteristic operation of the social systems, the article propose a socio-structural radicalization of the sociological approach to the person, in order to determine conceptually which basic needs of the social orders meets the construction of human beings as social actors, and how this construction is the key factor for the structuring of their consciousness, wich leads to the development of the self. The fundamental thesis on wich this sociological radicalization is based is the interpretation of the person as one of the basic forms of social structuring: the social addressing; that is, the understanding of human beings as social addresses that help to determine and reduce the complexity os social systems as systems of communication.

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