Criteris constructius, energètics i ambientals per intervenir o rehabilitar en zones rurals o de muntanya a partir de l'estudi comparatiu de l'arquitectura tradicional al Pirineu Occidental català i els Alps suïssos

  1. Bunyesc Palacin, Josep
Dirigida per:
  1. Jéròme Henri Kämpf Director/a
  2. Jaume Avellaneda Díaz-Grande Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 24 de de maig de 2013

  1. Albert Cuchí Burgos President/a
  2. Antonio Lista Martín Secretari
  3. Marylène Montavon Merola Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 116911 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The thesis work started with the beginning of the freelance professional career. The subjects investigated throughout this work came up of the worries and questions during the project design and building process of real and not academic projects . The thoughts are being followed by a direct experimentation on the build ing site and a further verification of the test results.This direct relationship in time and space has made possible that the theoretical basis that were being validated got experience, credibility and make feel confident to take decisions with the knowledge of the possible results. For this reason, the major part of the thesis content is supported with images of real and tested buildings beeause they have been the methodology to verify that the way taken was the correct one. It starts with an analysis of traditional construction and its way of life in two mountain places that are close to me because of being working and living there: the Eastern Pyrenees and Swiss Alps. Observing the traditional architecture that is under the influence of the environment, let us know how our grandparents were able to solve difficult situations in an easy way and with the nearby materials. This superior efficacy, compared to any action of our current society, awaken this view to the simple ability of the way of live and build of our ancestors. In this economical and social crisis , looking at the tradition becomes a guide due to the environment, the materials and the climate are the same than years ago. Applying the logic of traditional architecture principies , which knew to take advantage of each place and self-proteet of its inconveniences , combined with new techniques of insulation , glass, windows or others , it results a mixable to build or refurbish buildings maintaining a direct relationship with the past but with a progress on energy consumption. We can achieve the zero consumption on no renewable energy with local building materials with low embodied energy, providing work to the local artisans . To be able to have comfortable places all the year with no energetic cost and very low economical expenses. This is our vision of the future and all of the subjects of this thesis try to find the local coherence and efficacy of our society and its inhabitants.