Autorreflexión y transreferencialidadclaves del pensamiento estético en la poesía española desde el medio siglo hasta los ochenta

  1. Baños Saldaña, José Ángel
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Florit Durán Director
  2. Luis Bagué Quílez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 27 September 2022

  1. Araceli Iravedra Valea Chair
  2. Carmen María Pujante Segura Secretary
  3. Marina Bianchi Committee member

Type: Thesis


The aim of these pages lies in the study of self-reflection and transreferentiality —the referential transcendence of texts— in relation to Spanish poetry, in general, and to lyric poetry from the mid-century to the eighties, in particular. Regarding the methodology of this work, it should be noted that the complexity of the object of study requires a multiple approach, through which the different branches of literary knowledge complement each other: history of literature, literary theory, literary criticism and comparative literature. Indeed, inquiry into autopoetic and the transreferential aspects sheds light on the shaping of aesthetic periods, generations (or groups) of writers and the expression of individual talent. However, the achievement of such a historical purpose requires a theoretical systematicity that helps to distinguish the most relevant facets of the phenomenon addressed. And, in addition, all this must be applied to the explanation of the poem itself, so that criticism and comparison play a fundamental role. Although this volume is structured in five chapters that deal with independent topics, the intellectual organization of the thesis responds to three main blocks: (a) the history and theory of autopoetics —chapter 1; (b) the theoretical trace on the relationships established by the texts and the typological classification of transreferentiality —chapter 2; and (c) the analyses of autopoetic projects from the mid-century to the 1980s —chapters 3, 4 and 5. All of them consist of several sections and subsections that address the main difficulties arising from the field of study. Among the conclusions extracted from this dissertation it is remarkable the historical evolution of autopoetic texts, the conceptual organization of self-reflection, the systematization and the development of the theory regarding the relationships fostered by literary texts and the historical classification of the Spanish poetry from the 50s to the 80s.