Reconstructing the microwave sky using a combined maximum-entropy and Mexican Hat wavelet analysis

  1. Barreiro, RB
  2. Vielva, P
  3. Hobson, MP
  4. Martinez-Gonzalez, E
  5. Lasenby, AN
  6. Sanz, JL
  7. Toffolatti, L
Book Series:
  1. Banday, AJ (coord.)
  2. Zaroubi, S (coord.)
  3. Bartelmann, M (coord.)

ISBN: 3-540-42468-7

Year of publication: 2001

Pages: 465-472

Congress: MPA/ESO/MPE Workshop on Mining the Sky

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.1007/10849171_59 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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