Los niños y niñas de 6 a 8 años reflexionan sobre las prácticas de educación parentalun análisis de su discurso desde la teoría de la autodeterminación
- 1 Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación, Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 1578-7001
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 44
Pages: 179-200
Type: Article
More publications in: ESE: Estudios sobre educación.
This work aims to explore the discourse of students from 6 to 8 years of age when they reflect on the dynamics of education used by their parents. To do this, we start from the theory of self-determination and reflect on the practices of support for autonomy and parental control present in the discourse of minors. In this sense, we found that the students' discourse revolves mainly around parental practices that support autonomy, such as the possibility of choosing leisure activities, communicating problems and concerns to parents, and the autonomous performance of some tasks by minors. However, there is also evidence that autonomy support practices converge with others related to parental control in certain situations.
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