Representations of motherhood in late francoist Spainfrom catholic discourses to early feminist critiques

  1. Mónica García Fernández 1
  1. 1 University of Leeds

    University of Leeds

    Leeds, Reino Unido


  1. Blasco Herranz, Inmaculada (coord.)
  2. Serrano-Niza, Dolores (coord.)

ISSN: 1696-8166 1989-9998

Year of publication: 2023

Issue Title: Rethinking Motherhood in the 21st Century: New Feminist Approaches

Issue: 41

Pages: 131-157

Type: Article

More publications in: Feminismo/s


This article examines changes and continuities in the representations of motherhood at the end of Franco’s regime (c 1960-1975). Influenced by the approaches of the history of emotions, this study looks at the emotional prescriptions and norms associated with Catholic representations of motherhood and family, but also at the emotional counter-narratives of second-wave feminism in Spain. It draws on various sources, including popular and religious magazines, films, medical discourses, advice literature, illustrated books and feminist writings. The first section focuses on the most conservative depictions of motherhood at the time, those linked to Opus Dei, which praised the joys of prolific motherhood and resisted any change in social attitudes towards birth control. Modern in appearance, but very reactionary at heart, these publications intended for a popular readership disseminated an ideal of the self-sacrificing mother who never lost her smile or optimism despite the hardships of everyday life. The second section deals with a new type of advice literature for mothers aimed at disseminating the so-called painless childbirth method, which contained a conservative message about the role and emotions women should perform during labour. Thirdly, the article assesses the evolution of the most progressive Catholic discourse on motherhood and family in the 1960s and early 1970s in the context of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). Finally, it studies some early feminist writings from the end of the dictatorship. In opposition to the patriarchal narratives, these critiques drew attention to the various types of violence associated with the experience and institution of motherhood.

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