Synthesis of phased arrays in complex environments with the multilevel characteristic basis function method

  1. J. Laviada 1
  2. R. Ayestarán 1
  3. M. R. Pino 1
  4. F. Las-Heras 1
  5. Mittra, Raj
  1. 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Oviedo
Progress In Electromagnetics Research

ISSN: 1559-8985

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 92

Pages: 347-360

Type: Article

DOI: 10.2528/PIER09041801 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Progress In Electromagnetics Research

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The aim of this paper is to present a method to carry out the synthesis of large phased arrays when they are affected by complex environments which can influence the radiation pattern. The synthesis is performed with the help of the Multilevel Characteristic Basis Function Method to calculate a matrix relating input voltages and the far field pattern samples. The method is illustrated with the synthesis of a Secondary Surveillance Radar antenna on a turret containing multiple obstacles.

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