Aplicación de modelos digitales del terreno generados a partir de tecnología LIDAR en la caracterización de zonas inundables
- J. Crespo 1
- R. Menéndez 1
- E. Fernández 1
Universidad de Oviedo
- González Díez, Alberto (coord.)
Publisher: PubliCan-Ediciones ; Universidad de Cantabria
ISBN: 978-84-86116-54-5
Year of publication: 2012
Pages: 267-270
Congress: Reunión Nacional de Geomorfología (12. 2012. Santander)
Type: Conference paper
A Digital Elevation Model (DEM), created from LIDAR data, has been used to develop a quantitative description of zones with different flood frequencies, according to previous mapping using the geomorphological-historical method, in the floodplain of the Saja River (Cantabria). Several Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) have been analyzed for this description: slope, relief index and curvature models. The average values of the DTMs for each flood frequency class progressively decrease from the more to the less floodable classes. The results show that DTMs from LIDAR accurately reflect the relationship between irregular topography and the intense relief of floodplains, due to erosive and sedimentary processes, in the areas of higher flood frequency, where the energy and height of the water sheets are greater.