La estructuración de la alternativa de Christa Wolf a lo largo de obra ensayística y en "Projectionsraum Romantik", Störfall, Was bleibt y Medea. Stimmen.

  1. Torres Santaella, Carmen
Dirixida por:
  1. Jordi Jané Carbó Director

Universidade de defensa: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Fecha de defensa: 22 de outubro de 2007

  1. Marisa Siguán Presidente/a
  2. Macià Riutort Riutort Secretario/a
  3. Manuel Maldonado Alemán Vogal
  4. Teresa Vinardell Puig Vogal
  5. Margarita Blanco Hölscher Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 134635 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


By way of a chronological analysis of the essays of Christa Wolf one of the best known authors from socialist Germany since the 60s until now- and of her diaries, this thesis goes in pursuit of the main matters of reflection of the author related to the reality in the Democratic Republic of Germany. It particularly points at those that directly deal with the role of intellectuals and women in society and with the changes that she experienced in her own political engagement as the government position became more and more radical, especially during and after German Reunification. Four narrations, quite different in time and subject, have been selected to verify the reflection of these themes in her literary work, as well as their evolution in time. The analysis and commentary of the essays, diaries and narrations shape the four central chapters of the thesis, which takes them as a source of information in order to define the particular search of an alternative option in front of reality. As hypothesis, it is assumed that this search is defined by the criticism to dualism originated by inherited extreme rationalist mentality, and it is based on the language as its main manipulating instrument. The verification of this hypothesis confirms the work of Wolf as an example of coherence and it reflects a constant effort to assimilate life and literature with a deep pacifist and conciliating will.