Desarrollo y aplicación de un enfoque integral de gestión de la construcción, mediante la interacción colaborativa del diseño 5D BIM, la organización multiflexible de la construcción y los principios de mejora continua

  1. Leicht, David
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Daniel Castro Fresno Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Joaquin Antonio Diaz Pascual Co-Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 23 von März von 2021

  1. Francisco Ballester Präsident/in
  2. Eugenio Pellicer Armiñana Sekretär/in
  3. Jens Minnert Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 652216 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


Over the last century, the construction industry has achieved only slow progress in improving productivity and efficiency compared to other industries. This could not even be decisively improved by introducing and utilizing essential innovations in construction planning and project management or by increasing the reliability of schedules and costs. This trend was only slightly revised upwards by the technological innovations developed and introduced in the first two decades of the current century, aimed at optimizing the construction schedule and taking strategic measures to improve the operational organization of construction processes. Day-to-day practice in the construction industry has also revealed that significant difficulties still remain in meeting the planned execution deadlines and construction costs. This indicates that the multitude of existing successful methods for organizing scheduling, cost control, and construction planning, as well as for work execution management, are not being used to their full potential. Furthermore, it appears that none of the approaches developed so far is capable of meeting the multifaceted demands and individual process requirements associated with each of the present construction project phases. A holistic concept that comprehensively optimizes the construction planning and processing organization and simultaneously guarantees schedule and cost reliability from the outset is currently still lacking. It is also urgently necessary to identify discrepancies between the planning and execution of construction by means of ongoing and explicit as-planned/as-built comparisons so as to produce a sustainable enhancement upon which to base the planning of future projects. Thus, this work represents one reliable method, that is capable to achieve significant and sustainable improvements in project outcomes in the future. Additionally, it could also significantly influence the overall productivity growth of the construction industry as a whole, particularly through significant increases in efficiency. As the need to develop a concept, which addresses these requirements has become more urgent due to the above-mentioned explanations, the present paper first tries to work out, why the currently applied planning tools and even the latest agile project organization approaches have not yet developed their full potential. To this end, a comprehensive literature study and an in-depth construction process analysis were conducted, in which the varied and ongoing weaknesses and problems in the areas of construction planning and operational organization, as well as the management of deadlines and costs were identified. On this basis, a comprehensive and coherent method for construction planning and execution organization was developed as an approach to solve the described problems. This solution’s key process employs a building information model whereby—during the planning phase—the 3D model objects are closely linked to the corresponding scheduled activities and the associated construction cost items. The key data of a waterfall-based construction process simulation, calculated and defined during the project planning phase, provide essential benchmark parameters that subsequently form the framework for a multi-flexible project execution on the construction site. By implementing information feedback loops into the overall process, it is possible to continually perform target/actual comparisons based on the construction planning in conjunction with the respective construction statuses, thereby enabling continuous specification as a basis for future project planning. In order to evaluate the new method’s applicability and potential for optimization, a comparative case study was conducted with two real construction projects. Based on the results, a multi-criteria analysis was carried out, the results of which have shown a significant increasement of the project organization performance, as well as in reliability concerning deadlines and costs. Further studies on selected reference projects are required in order to validate these initial findings and to assess the method’s applicability in light of an optimal project type and size.