Atención a las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género desde los servicios de urgencias hospitalarias

  1. Fontanil, Yolanda 1
  2. Alcedo, María Ángeles 1
  3. Solís García, Patricia 2
  4. Alonso, Yolanda 3
  5. Fernández-Álvarez, Natalia 1
  6. Fernández-Briz, Noelia 4
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


  2. 2 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


  3. 3 Universidad de Almería

    Universidad de Almería

    Almería, España


  4. 4 Centro de Crisis para Víctimas de Agresiones Sexuales del Principado de Asturias
Investigaciones feministas

ISSN: 2171-6080

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Monográfico: Retos de la era Covid desde una perspectiva feminista

Volume: 13

Issue: 1

Pages: 223-233

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/INFE.78280 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Investigaciones feministas


Introduction. Women victims of gender-based violence (GBV), frequently use health services, and especially hospital emergency rooms. These services could be a safe place to disclose the abuse as a first step out of the violent relationship. Objective. The aim of this study is to obtain information on the care and help provided to women victims of GBV in hospital emergency services through the exploration of the perceptions and experiences of users of the public health system of the Principality of Asturias. Methodology. A qualitative study with an exploratory design was carried out. The informants were selected by intentional sampling. Users of different programs and services for victims of GBV in the Principality of Asturias were invited to participate, thus gathering a sample of 15 women. The data were collected through a semi-structured or focused interview that was designed taking into account both the key points of the current Asturian protocol for health care for women victims of GBV and the results of international and national protocols and research. The interviews lasted between 90 and 120 minutes. Results. A system of 10 categories and 27 subcategories was obtained. Their percentages of appearance reveal, above all, an absence of empathy and trust in the initial reception and response, negative attitudes on the part of professionals and a marked tendency to not collect information on abuse. There is also an absence of referrals to other services available for victims of GBV. Conclusion. Specific training in GBV for emergency professionals would be desirable to allow them to better accommodate the needs of women, as well as information on national and local protocols, resources and services that allow decision-making on referrals.

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