Comparative genomics of mortal and immortal cnidarians unveils novel keys behind rejuvenation
- Pascual-Torner, M.
- Carrero, D.
- Pérez-Silva, J.G.
- Álvarez-Puente, D.
- Roiz-Valle, D.
- Bretones, G.
- Rodríguez, D.
- Maeso, D.
- Mateo-González, E.
- Español, Y.
- Mariño, G.
- Acuña, J.L.
- Quesada, V.
- López-Otín, C.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
ISSN: 1091-6490
Argitalpen urtea: 2022
Alea: 119
Zenbakia: 36
Mota: Artikulua