El programa multicomponente de apoyo para el cese del tabaquismo (McSCSP) es efectivo en pacientes con trastorno mental grave sin diferencias de género

  1. María José Jaén-Moreno 1
  2. María Paz García-Portilla 2
  3. Fernando Sarramea 1
  4. Teresa Bobes Bascarán 2
  5. Gonzalo Galván 3
  6. Eva María Díaz-Mesa 3
  7. Susana Al-Halabi 4
  8. Edorta Elizagarate 5
  9. Pilar Alejandra Sáiz Martínez 2
  10. Julio Bobes 2
  11. Leticia García-Álvarez 2
  1. 1 Instituto Maimónides de Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (IMIBIC), Córdoba, España.
  2. 2 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias (ISPA), Oviedo, Asturias, España.
  3. 3 Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia.
  4. 4 Instituto de Neurociencias del Principado de Asturias (INEUROPA), Asturias, España
  5. 5 Unidad de Psicosis Refractarias, Hospital Psiquiátrico de Álava, Vitoria, España.
Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol

ISSN: 0214-4840

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 34

Issue: 3

Pages: 218-226

Type: Article

More publications in: Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol


High prevalence of smoking in people with severe mental disorders (SMD) contributes to their medical morbidity and reduced life expectancy. Despite the evidence of gender differences in smoking cessation, few studies have tested those differences among people with SMD. This is a non-randomized, open-label, prospective, 9-month follow-up multicentre trial to examine gender differences in the efficacy, safety and tolerability of a Multi-Component Smoking Cessation Support Programme (McSCSP). The results showed that there were no significant differences in short- (males 44.9% vs females 57.7%, chi-square = 1.112, p = 0.292) or long-term efficacy (week 24: males 40.8%, females 42.3%, chi-square = 0.016, p = 0.901; week 36: males 36.7%, females 38.5%, chi-square = 0.022, p = 0.883) between gender, neither controlled by diagnosis or treatment. Regarding safety and tolerability, there was significant increase in abdominal perimeter in males [from 105.98 (SD 13.28) to 108.52 (SD 14.01), t = -3.436, p = 0.002)], but not in females. However, there were no significant gender differences in adverse events (constipation, abnormal/vivid dreams, nausea/vomiting or skin rash/redness around patch site). In conclusion, we have demonstrated that is effective and safe to help either male or female patients with stabilized SMD to quit smoking. However, it might be a tendency in females to respond better to varenicline treatment in the short-term. Future research with larger samples is required to more clearly determine whether or not the there are differences, in addition to their reliability and robustness.

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