Un cerco de asedio militar romano en torno al oppidum de Palenzuela (Palencia)
- Víctor Vicente García 1
- Sara Díaz Jiménez
- Andrés Menéndez Blanco 2
- Jesús García Sánchez 3
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
University of Genoa
- 3 Instituto de Arqueología, Mérida (IAM)
ISSN: 2340-9126, 2341-1074
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 8
Pages: 119-133
Type: Article
More publications in: Nailos: Estudios Interdisciplinares de Arqueología
This paper introduces a research based on the use of remote sensing methodologies, chiefly the analysis of historical series of aerial photography (Spanish PNOA), that lead to the identification of large structures in the immediate surroundings of the oppidum of Pallantia, located by many authors at Pico de la Horca (Palenzuela, Palencia). The traces or cropmarks located during this research were tentative interpreted as a siege of the Late Iron Age oppidum. The siege has two fortified camps and different types of enclosing ditches, circumuallatio and contrauallatio known in other war scenarios in the Duero valley. This complex siege system could be related to historical scenarios which took place during the Late Republican or Early Imperial period according to several Latin written sources that mention the role of Pallantia in diverse conflicts in the last two centuries BC.