Religiosity, abortion stigma and the mediating effect of gender attitudesA study in the Chilean population

  1. Beatriz Pérez-Sánchez
  2. Andrés Concha-Salgado
  3. Valeria Aburto-González
  4. Catalina Mandiola-Sandoval
  5. Christopher Muñoz-Henríquez
  6. Denisse Cerda-Muñoz
International Journal of Social Psychology, Revista de Psicología Social

ISSN: 0213-4748 1579-3680

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 37

Issue: 2

Pages: 211-241

Type: Article

More publications in: International Journal of Social Psychology, Revista de Psicología Social


Abortion Stigma (AS) is a negative attribute ascribed to women who terminate a pregnancy that marks her as inferior to the ideals of femininity. Based on traditional normative gender codes, religious groups are identified in the literature as the most relevant source of AS. To analyse the influence of religiosity on AS and the mediating effect of stereotyped gender attitudes, we carried out a multivariate causal quantitative study. With a community sample of 360 Chileans, we used structural equation modelling to determine that religiosity influences AS directly and indirectly through stereotyped gender attitudes. This model showed adequate fit indices and explained 69.2% of the variance. We tested a second structural equation model with a control variable, and we discuss these findings’ implications for Chilean society, where religion occupies a significant place in power and decision-making centres. We propose gender equity education as a strategy to reduce AS

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