Las “obligaciones posteriores” en la responsabilidad de los administradores por deudas

Revista de derecho mercantil

ISSN: 0210-0797

Ano de publicación: 2021

Número: 319

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de derecho mercantil


In the present article we can find a very complex and interesting subject. Specifying the concept of what is known as “subsequent obligations” implies to determine the range of the liability for debts in capital companies. In this subject we need to pay attention to the legal nature and basis of this liability. That is why we start with a short reference and analysis to it. Subsequently, we will deal with the general criteria of its application, in other words, we will deal with those criteria that need to be informed in every moment in order to solve the different hypothesis. Finally, we will make a studio of the most frequent cases addressed in the judicial forum, mentioning the concrete case-law that studies them, including also our own opinion concerning each of the cases involved.

Referencias bibliográficas

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  • FUENTES DEVESA, Rafael: La responsabilidad por deudas, art. 367LSC. En Practicum Concursal, 2021. (Dirs.) PRENDES/PASTOR. Ed. Thomson-Reuters-Aranzadi. Navarra, 2020.
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